
Showing posts from May, 2022

Tonight's Super Flower Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse of 2022 Finds The Lost Book of The Wars of The Lord Numbers 21:14 IS The War Scroll

Tonight's Super Flower Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse of 2022 Finds The Lost Book of The Wars of The Lord It's time to watch the moon make a once in your lifetime passage through the nights shadow of your essence and mind.  It's time to watch the moon make a passage through Earth's shadow.  From white to blood red and back to white eclipsing not the things of this world but giving clarity to things of the next.  The Dead Sea Scrolls has unleashed another astonishing discovery from the dark shadows of the wilderness caves of Qumran.  John The Baptist, Jesus of Nazareth, and John The Beloved KNEW of this Old Testament Book of Revelation. The Past, Present and Future will eclipse what you once believed. The Book of the Wars of The Lord is The War Scroll and War of The Messiah Scroll from The Dead Sea Scrolls.  This is a prophetic 21st Century Landmark Discovery

Out of the Ashes of Time...The Lost of Antiquity The Book of The Wars of The Lord...Is Found

To the Mother of The Brides...This is Your Mother's Day Gift.  Out of the ashes of time another prophecy is smoldering. The Book of The Wars of The Lord in Numbers 21:14 is The War Scroll and War of The Messiah Scroll. Preserved in the Wilderness Jordan with the Qumranians (the Essenes, a seccessionist Judaic group), in the caves near The Dead Sea; and withheld away from the Pharisees, The Sadducees, the Amei Haaretz and Jerusalem. The Book of the Wars of The Lord was prophetic. Before "The Book of Revelation", this is the Mother of all Bible Prophecies.