How Fair Is Thine Eyes - Before The First Piece Of Cake Is Thrown, Throw A New Tradition
How Fair Is Thine Eyes - Before The First Piece Of Cake Is Thrown, Throw A New Tradition Tradition proclaims that during the wedding cocktail hour many a nuptial couple takes a slice of their wedding cake and then perceives to physically hurl it into their new husband or wife's face. Fascinating. While I am an eclectic wedding cocktail hour guitarist of neuveau traditions I do see a different slice of shared tradition to give to my future love. If the wedding cake embodies the entirety of their love then its time to give that slice of love a new tradition. Instead of a piece of cake shoved in my loves face I present this idea to the poetic couple; how about a poem or sonnet or even a short jotting down of ones irrevocable love accompanied ever so lightly by your wedding entertainer? It could be something additional to add outside of the normal wedding ceremony. Accentuating a quiet proclamation of endearing love with a favorite musical theme of your love would fa...